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Chivalric pedigrees

A chivalric pedigree is counted by the direct association or touch of one person to another, through time, so that by direct connections and lineages, Preceptory can be connected back to the earliest foundations of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. These pedigrees are based on generally accepted provable history.

From Jerusalem to Malta


Amalfi merchants c. 1048


1 Pierre Gérard 1080 – 1099 – 1120

2 Raymond du Puy 1121 – 1160

3 Auger de Balben 1160 – 1163

4 Arnaud de Comps 1162 – 1163

5 Gilbert d’Assailly 1163– 1170

6 Gaston de Murols 1170 – 1172

7 Joubert of Syria 1172 – 1177

8 Roger de Moulins 1177 – 1187



9 Ermengard d’Aps 1187 – 1190

10 Garnier de Nablus 1190 – 1192

11 Geoffroy de Dongon 1193 – 1202

12 Alphonse de Portugal 1202 – 1206

13 Geoffrey le Rat 1206 – 1207



Geoffrey le Rat

14 Guerin de Montaigu 1207 – 1228

15 Bertrand de Thercy 1230 – 1231

16 Guerin Lebrun 1231 – 1236



17 Bertrand de Comps 1236 – 1240

18 Pierre de Villebride 1240 – 1242



19 Guillaume de Chateauneuf 1242 – 1258

20 Hugues de Revel 1258 – 1277

21 Nicolas Lorgne 1277 – 1284

22 Jean de Villiers 1284 – 1294



Jean de Villiers

23 Odon de Pins 1294 – 1296

24 Guillaume de Villaret 1296 – 1305

25 Folques de Villaret 1305 – 1319


(RHODES 1310 – 1523)

Folques de Villaret

26 Helion de Villeneuve 1319 – 1346

27 Dieudonné de Gozon 1346 – 1353

28 Pierre de Cornillan 1353 – 1355

29 Roger de Pins 1355 – 1365

30 Raymond Berenger 1365 – 1374

31 Robert de Juilly 1374 – 1376

32 Fernandez de Heredia 1376 – 1396

33 Ricardo Caracciolo 1383 – 1395

34 Philibert de Naillac 1396 – 1421

35 Anton Flavian de Ripa 1421 – 1437

36 Jean Bonpar de Lastic 1437 – 1454

37 Jacques de Milli 1454 – 1461

38 Pierre Raymond Zacosta 1461 – 1467

39 Jean Baptiste des Ursins 1467 – 1476

40 Pierre d’Aubisson 1476 – 1503

41 Emery d’Amboise 1503 – 1512

42 Guy de Blanchefort 1512 – 1513

43 Fabrice Carrette 1513 – 1521

44 Villiers de L’Isle Adam 1521 – 1534


(MALTA 1530 – 1798)

Villiers de L’Isle Adam

45 Pietrino del Ponte 1534 – 1535

46 Didier de Tholon Sainte-Jalle 1535 – 1536

47 Juan de Homedes y Coscan 1536 – 1553

48 Claude de la Sengle 1553 – 1557

49 Jean Parisot de la Valette 1557 – 1568

50 Pietro Ciocchi del Monte San Savino 1568 – 1572

51 Jean l’Evêsque de la Cassiere 1572 – 1582

52 Hugues Loubenx de Verdale 1582 – 1595

53 Martin Garzes 1595 – 1601

54 Alof de Wignacourt 1601 – 1622

55 Luis Mendez de Vasconcellos 1622 – 1623

56 Antoine de Paule 1623 – 1636

57 Jean-Baptiste Lascaris de Castellar 1636 – 1657

58 Martino de Redin y Cruzat 1657 – 1660

59 Annet de Clermont de Chattes Gessan 1660

60 Rafeal Cotonor y de Oleza 1660 – 1663

61 Nicholas Cotonor y de Oleza 1663 – 1680

62 Gregorio Carafa della Roccella 1680 – 1690

63 Adrien de Wignacourt 1690 – 1697

64 Ramon Parrellos y Roccafull 1697 – 1720

65 Marcantonio Zondadari 1720 – 1722

66 Antonio Manoel de Vilhena 1722 – 1736

67 Ramon Despuig y Martinez de Marcilla 1736 – 1741

68 Manuel Pinto da Fonseca 1741 – 1773

69 Francisco Ximines de Texada 1773 – 1775

70 Emmanuel de Rohan de Polduc 1775 – 1797

71 Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim 1797 – 1799



72 Paul I 1798 – 1801



73 Giovanni Battista Tommasi 1803 – 1805


After Malta


Ferdinand von Hompesch

Tsar Paul I



George III

Angl0-Bavarian Langue

Tsar Paul I



Tsar Paul I of Russia 1798 – 1801

Tsar Nicholas Soltikoff 1801 – 1803

Tsar Alexander I of Russia 1801 – 1825

Tsar Constantin I 1825

Tsar Nicholas I of Russia 1825 – 1855

Tsar Alexander II of Russia 1855 – 1881

Tsar Alexander III of Russia 1881 – 1894

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia 1894 – 1917

​Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich



Dr James Gaston Baillie Bulloch

Prince Berdmont-Awaloff​

Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich (1922 – 1938)

Victor Cherap-Spiridovich (died 1926)

Boris Brasol

Puerto Rican OSJ and Joseph Paul Chodkiewicz (died 1936)

Charles Pichel

Dr William Sohier Bryant 1933 – 1951

Baron de Engelhardt-Schellenstein 1951 – 1955

Frederick H. Graf von Zeppelin 1955 – 1960

Paul de Granier de Cassagnac 1960 – 1964

King Peter II 1962 – 1970



Paul Alexandrovich Demidoff 1928 – 1958

Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovich 1928 – 1933

Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich 1933 – 1956



King Alexander I of Yugoslavia 1928 – 1934

King Peter II



Sergei S. Belosselsky-Belozersky

Sergei S. Troubetzkoy



​King Peter II of Yugoslavia 1962 – 1970

Sergei S. Belosselsky-Belozersky 1968 – 1969

Sergei S. Troubetzkoy 1969 – 1983

Prince Andrei of Yugoslavia 1970 – 1977 – 1990

Council of Regents 1987 – 1989

Anthony Zammit 1989 – 1991 – 2001

Prince Karl Vladimir of Yugoslavia 1991 – 2001 – 



Tsar Nicholas II (1917)

Hereditary Family Commanders in Paris (1928)

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia (1928–1933)

Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich (1933–1956)

Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia (1934–1936)

Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich became Protector to the Grand Priory (1956)

Prince Sergei Troubetzkoy and Prince Serge S. Belosselsky-Belozersky (1973)

Count Nicholas Alexeievich Bobrinskoy (1973–2006)

Grand Duke Andrew Romanoff (1977–1981)

Prince Vasili Alexandrovich of Russia (1981–1989)

Prince Michael Andreevich of Russia (1990–2008)

Edward Anthony Rich




Paris group

Baron M. A. Taube

Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich

Nicholas Tchirikoff

Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich

Georges Serguéevitch Rticheff

Priory of Dacia

John Cilia La Corte

Sydney Fogarty

Alexandre Tissot Demidoff

Michael Foster



Ferdinand von Hompesch

Tsar Paul I

Giovanni Baptista Tommasi

Innigo Guevara-Suardo

Prince Camille de Rohan

Marquis de Saint Croix Molay

Philip de Chastelain

Rev. Sir Robert Peat

Sir Henry Dymoke, Bart.

Sir Charles Lamb, Bart.

Sir Alexander Arbuthnot

the Duke of Manchester

the Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII)

the Prince of Wales (afterwards King George V)

the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn

the Duke of Gloucester

King Peter II of Yugoslavia

Prince Sergei S. Belosselsky-Belozersky

Prince Sergei S. Troubetzkoy

Prince Andrei of Yugoslavia

Council of Regents

Anthony Zammit

Prince Karl Vladimir of Yugoslavia

Edward Anthony Rich




Prince Michael Andreevich of Russia (1990–2008)

Rex Morgan

Unnamed knights




King Peter II of Yugoslavia

Gaston Tonna-Barthet

Roland Podestra

Dr Roland Hodges

Sir Hubert Opperman

Robert Halliday

Ian Vassie

Victor Techritz

Victor Feros

Edward Anthony Rich




Sir Hubert Opperman

Barbara Abley

Unnamed knights




Sir Hubert Opperman

​Ian Barnes



Royal Pedigrees

King Peter II

Tsar Paul I

​Tsar Nicholas I

Tsar Alexander II

Grand Duchess Alexandrovna Maria of Russia

Queen Marie Alexandra Victoria of Romania

Queen Consort Maria of Yugoslavia

King Peter II of Yugoslavia

Queen Victoria

Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Queen Marie Alexandra Victoria of Romania

Queen Consort Maria of Yugoslavia

King Peter II of Yugoslavia

Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna

Tsar Paul I

​Tsar Nicholas I

Tsar Alexander II

Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich

Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich

​Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna

Queen Victoria

Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich

​Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna


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